Engineering &


From House Builders to Air Compressor services, we are committed to delivering the IT Support your business needs.

Engineering & Construction | Confidence IT

Customised Technology Solutions for the

Engineering & Construction Sector

We recognise the unique challenges and constantly evolving engineering and construction industry regulatory requirements. We aim to alleviate your IT concerns by ensuring your systems run smoothly so you have one less thing to worry about.



In an industry where timing and efficiency are paramount, we proactively manage your IT needs. We minimise disruptions and keep your operations running smoothly by continuously monitoring your systems, anticipating potential issues, and implementing preventive measures. Our proactive IT support ensures that problems are addressed before they impact your business, allowing you to maintain momentum and stay focused on your projects. This forward-thinking approach helps you avoid downtime, improve productivity, and confidently achieve your business goals.

Compliance & Security

Compliance & Security

With extensive experience in the engineering and construction sector, we understand the critical importance of security and compliance. With stringent regulations and data protection mandates, including GDPR, it demands robust IT solutions. Our expertise ensures that your sensitive data—from building contracts and financial records to legal documents and architectural plans—remains secure and compliant. We implement advanced security measures and compliance protocols tailored to the unique needs of your business, safeguarding your operations against breaches and ensuring adherence to all regulatory requirements.



Your projects often require seamless access to data and applications from various locations, whether on-site or in the office. We ensure your IT systems are easily accessible and user-friendly, providing solutions like cloud services, remote access, and mobile connectivity. Our goal is to make your technology as convenient and efficient as possible, so you can focus on delivering high-quality results. With our support, you and your team can access critical information anytime, anywhere, enhancing collaboration and productivity across all your projects.


IT Strategy & Guidance

The dynamic nature of this industry requires innovative and flexible IT solutions that align with your business goals. Our expertise enables us to offer strategic IT guidance that ensures your technology infrastructure supports your current operations and future growth. By integrating the latest advancements and best practices, we help you optimise workflows, enhance productivity, and stay ahead of industry trends. Our tailored IT strategy and guidance empower you to make informed decisions, drive efficiency, and achieve long-term success.

Future Technology

Experts in Future Tech

With our extensive experience in IT services and support, we don’t just provide solutions; we drive digital transformation. We aim to streamline your operations and enhance your workplace culture, ensuring your organisation survives and thrives in the digital age. Partner with us and step confidently into the future.



The success of your projects hinges on dependable IT systems that function flawlessly, even in the face of challenges. We are committed to ensuring that your technology infrastructure is robust and resilient, minimising downtime and maintaining productivity. Through proactive maintenance, timely updates, and rapid issue resolution, we provide the reliability your business demands. Our focus on delivering consistent and reliable IT support means you can trust your systems to perform at their best, enabling you to concentrate on your core activities without disruption.

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How We Can Support You

Fully outsource your IT support department to Confidence IT or utilise our experience and tools to complement your internal IT team – we deliver the services your business needs.

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IT Support

A team of dedicated experts waiting to resolve any IT issues your business has, quickly and efficiently.

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Business Phone Systems

Connect your team and your customers with a business VoIP phone system. Hassle free installation and tons of features to help your business succeed.

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Cybersecurity | Confidence IT


Keep your business, your data and your users safe from malicious threats. We offer a complete cybersecurity audit to keep you safe.

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Remote Support | Confidence IT


Integrate your software, automate your process or connect to your suppliers and customers. Our development team are here to make your business more productive.

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